Thank you so much for all the energy and commitment that you obviously pour into your classes.

— Parent, Tunbridge Wells

Modern Grades with ISTD

Primary Modern

This is the children’s first opportunity to take an exam, usually held at the end of Year 1 but could be as early as the end of Reception. 

Children go into the exam room in a group of 3 to 5 children, with their dance teacher. There will also be the examiner in the room along with a lady controlling the iPod with the usual syllabus music playing through speakers. The exam will take roughly 20 to 30 minutes.

Please use this Just Dance YouTube Video to help your child practise at home


Grade 1 Modern

This is now entering the Graded work and the examiner is expecting to see a good use of technique with full knowledge of the syllabus. For all the grades children will usually enter the exam room in groups of 4 ideally and without the teacher. This exam can be taken as early as the end of Year 1 but usually the end of Year 2 or later depending on the class ability. 

Please use this Just Dance YouTube Video to help your child practise at home


Grade 2 Modern 

Roughly Year 5 or 6 at school. 

Please use this Just Dance YouTube Video to help your child practise at home


Grade 3 Modern

Roughly Year 6 to 8 at school
Videos coming soon…


Grade 4 Modern 

Roughly Year 8 to 10 at school
Videos coming soon…


Grade 5 Modern

Roughly Year 9 to 12 at school


Grade 6 Modern

Roughly Year 10 upwards


Inter Foundation Modern


Intermediate Modern 
Advanced 1 Modern
Advanced 2 Modern

After Advanced 2 Modern you enter the teaching qualifications in Modern!

Thank you so much for all the energy and commitment that you obviously pour into your classes.

— Parent, Tunbridge Wells