Congratulations on an amazing show. The photos are stunning and I have to say I shed a few happy tears!! (It was the piano music playing in the background that set me off!)

— Parent, Tunbridge Wells


We are very proud of the shows we put on at Just Dance. They provide a great opportunity for the children to experience dancing on a professional stage with costumes and make-up, often for the first time. We have received fantastic feedback from both parents and children who have been involved. As well as a great sense of achievement, the shows help the children to develop confidence and improve their performance skills.

Just Dance runs a show every two years. They are held at a professional theatre and include 2 to 3 performances to an audience of over 250 people. We always have a professional photographer to capture the events as well as a recording of the show so there is the opportunity to purchase pictures and DVDs afterwards. We even get reported by the local press!

  • Shows quotes


    Here are some of the quotes from students and their parents about the shows

  • Show press articles

    Press articles

    See what the local press has had to say about the Just Dance shows

  • Upcoming shows

    Forthcoming shows

    Here you can find all the information you will need on any forthcoming shows

  • Senior Showcase

    Senior Showcase

    These showcases only include the senior students from Just Dance along with our two Performance Groups.

Congratulations on an amazing show. The photos are stunning and I have to say I shed a few happy tears!! (It was the piano music playing in the background that set me off!)

— Parent, Tunbridge Wells